

Add tavindrano in Malagasy to your vocabulary.

Examples of tavindrano

Indefinite article: tavindrano
Definite article: ny tavindrano
Possessives 1 2+
1 ni tavindrano ko ni tavindrano ntsika
2 ny tavindrano nao ni tavindrano nao
3 ny tavindrano ny (f.)
ny tavindrano ny (m.)
ny tavindrano. n'izy ireo

tavindrano in other languages

  1. Exercise: tavindrano in English? _____________
  2. Exercice: tavindrano en français? _____________
  3. Sprachübung: tavindrano auf Deutsch? _____________
  4. BÉ” hÉ” biom: tavindrano wÉ” Akan mu? _____________

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